Sed Gyued Monastery

Siliguri can rightly be called a haven for pilgrims, with its diverse array of holy sites such as Sevoke Kali Mandir, Iskcon Mandir, Siliguri Gurudwara, Ashraful Maszid, Salugara, and Sed Gyued Monastery. In this article, we will focus on Sed Gyued, which is considered one of the most exceptional monasteries in Siliguri.

Situated in Salugara, Sed Gyued is a Buddhist monastery that was inaugurated by the Dalai Lama in 2001. This exquisite monastery is located in the city of Siliguri, West Bengal, and is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Buddhism and its practices.

History of Sed Gyued Monastery

The Sed Gyued Monastery has a rich history that dates back to the 14th century when it was initially established by Je-Tsong-Khapa. However, during the Indo-Chinese War in 1959, the Chinese army completely destroyed the main structure of the monastery, leaving it in ruins.

How to Reach

If you’re looking to visit the Sed Gyued Monastery in Siliguri, you’ll need to travel approximately 8 km from the town’s center. The journey typically takes around 30 minutes to complete. Upon arriving in Siliguri, whether from Bagdogra Airport or NJP, you have the option of utilizing public transportation or booking a cab to take you directly to the monastery.

Sed Gyued Monastery Timings and Entry Fee

The Sed-Gyued Monastery is open for visitors throughout the year, with operating hours from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The best part is that there is no entry fee, so you can explore this stunning monastery without any extra cost. If you’re planning a trip to Siliguri, don’t miss out on the opportunity to visit this beautiful monastery and immerse yourself in its serene surroundings.

Interesting Facts about Sed Guyed Monastery

His Holiness Dalai Lama laid the foundation of this grand monastery in 2001, and it is considered the primary seat of the Sed-Gyued lineage, also known as the Whispered lineage. This lineage is exclusive to private teachings, which are imparted only to the selected ones by the guru or a meditational deity.

The primary objective of Sed-Gyued Monastery is to preserve and propagate the teachings, experiences, culture, and practices of the Sed-Gyued masters. After the Chinese army destroyed the original structure, the newly constructed monastery has been converted into a research center and an institute for Buddhist studies.

Currently, the monastery houses over 90 monks and 18 staff members. The Whispered lineage is given utmost importance here, and every effort is made to ensure its protection and propagation. Visitors can explore this magnificent monastery, which is now open to everyone, and discover its serene atmosphere and rich cultural heritage.

Why Visit This Monastery

The Sed-Gyued Monastery emanates a peaceful aura, which draws visitors to it. This monastery is ideal for individuals seeking serenity in religious settings. Strolling around the premises, you can learn about Buddha’s spiritual teachings, the history of the monastery, and the monks’ way of life. Additionally, you can capture these moments through photography and engage in meditation to discover inner peace.

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